Cat Proverbs


  • "You will always be lucky if you know how to make friends with strange cats." - Colonial proverb
  • "In a cat's eye, all things belong to cats." - English proverb
  • "Beware of people who dislike cats." - Irish proverb
  • "An old cat will not learn how to dance." - Moroccan Proverb
  • "After dark all cats are leopards." - Native American Proverb
  • A cat may look at a king. - English Proverb
  • Happy owner, happy cat. Indifferent owner, reclusive cat. - Chinese Proverb
  • A cat has nine lives. For three he plays, for three he strays, and for the last three he stays. - English Proverb
  • "Happy is the home with at least one cat" - Italian Proverb
  • "The cat was created when the lion sneezed" - Arabian Proverb
  • "Curiosity killed the cat, Satisfaction brought it back!" - English Proverb
  • "Books and cats and fair-haired little girls make the best furnishing for a room" - French Proverb
  • "I gave an order to a cat, and the cat gave it to its tail" - Chinese Proverb
  • "Cats, flies and women are ever at their toilets" - French Proverb
  • "The dog for the man, the cat for the woman" - English Proverb
  • "Thou art the Great Cat, the avenger of the Gods, and the judge of words, and the president of the sovereign chiefs and the governor of the holy Circle; thou art indeed...the Great Cat." - Inscription on the Royal Tombs at Thebes
  • The cat who frightens the mice away is as good as the cat who eats them" - German proverb
  • "A cat bitten once by a snake dreads even rope" - Arab Proverb
  • "A cat may go to a monastery, but she still remains a cat" - Ethiopian proverb
  • "Ye shall not possess any beast, my dear sisters, except only a cat." - The Ancren Riewle (Nun's Rule)
  • "The cat is nature's Beauty." - French Proverb
  • "When rats infest the Palace a lame cat is better than the swiftest horse." - Chinese Proverb
  • All cats look gray in the dark.
  • A cat has nine lives.
  • When the cat is away the mice will play.
  • The cat is honest when the meat is out of her reach.
  • It takes a good many mice to kill a cat.
  • A cornered cat becomes as fierce as a lion.
  • If you don't feed the cats you must feed the rats.
  • Wanton kittens make sober cats.
  • The cat is a good friend but she scratches.
  • A cat may look on a king.
  • Cat mighty dignified till the dog come by.
  • They agree like cats and dogs.
  • Don't trust the weak appearance of the wolf or the disappearance of the cat: they'll both make a come-back.
  • Kick the cat out; she'll come back sure enough.
  • A good cat deserves a good rat.
  • By scratching and biting cat and dog come together.
  • It is a bold mouse that makes her nest in the cat's ear.
  • Young cats will mouse, young apes will louse.
  • Don't buy a cat in a bag.
  • Care killed the cat.
  • The cat that catches no mice does not earn his keep.
  • Curiosity killed the cat.
  • But, satisfaction brought it back.
  • A scalded cat dreads even cold water.
  • Keep no more cats than will catch mice.
  • At home an elephant, abroad a cat.
  • When rats infest the Palace a lame cat is better than the swiftest horse. - Chinese Proverb
  • The kind man feeds his beast before sitting down to dinner. Hebrew Proverb
  • The cat loves fish, but hates wet feet. Medieval Proverb
  • The cat dreams of garbage. Hindu Proverb
  • All cats are grey in the dark.
  • The dog may be wonderful prose, but only the cat is poetry.
    - French Proverb
  • A cat is a lion in a jungle of small bushes.
    - Indian Proverb
  • Those that dislike cats will be carried to the cemetery in the rain.
    - Dutch Proverb
  • "Honest as the Cat when the meat's out of reach." - Old English saying
  • "A cat's eyes are windows enabling us to see into another world." - Irish Legend
  • "Cat's motto: No matter what you've done wrong, always try to make it look like the dog did it." -Unknown
  • "When the cat's away, the mice will play" - Folk Saying
  • The cat is mighty dignified until the dog comes by. - Southern Folk Saying
  • "Whenever the cat of the house is black, the lasses of lovers will have no lack" - Folk Saying
  • "Who would believe such pleasure from a wee ball o' fur?" - Irish Saying
  • "A cat is a lion in a jungle of small bushes." - Indian Saying
  • Touch not a Cat but a glove.
  • What can you have of a Cat but her skin?
  • When the Cat's away the mice will play.
  • Cat and Fiddle.
  • Cat and Kittens.
  • Cat and Mouse Act.


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